Heihe - city in northeast China, is located opposite the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk, which associated regular river traffic. Between Heihe and Blagoveshchensk only 800 meters. Now this is a very developed city with a population of about 130 thousand people.
Revitalization Russian-Chinese relations began in the 90 years from the beginning of perestroika, and expressed primarily in the development of trade relations. Just two decades ago Heihe was a small border village. And now the city is a zone free of Russian-Chinese trade with the visa requirements for citizens Russian Federation and for crossing the border is enough to have a passport.
During the expedition «Moskva-Vladivostok» , passing by Blagoveshchensk We decided to look at a couple of days in China.
Free visa-free access was opened in 2004. Until this moment the Russian-Chinese trade zone was within the Big Island of Heihe, in the same place where it is custom. Now in the trade area includes the entire the entire city.
to travel here is easy. Summer through Cupid walk passenger ships, in the offseason hovercrafts, and in winter - buses. Car can be parked directly in the port on the guarded parking lot (150 rubles per day). A ticket to the ship on both sides is from 1100 to 1900 rubles, depending on class of service.
already on the waiting list for tickets to the cashier you will understand that a Russian redneck-shuttles. People left for the Heihe to buy Chinese junk, and at the same time to rest. The main contingent of recalls in the most part typical Russian tourists in the Egyptian all-inclusive, and considering that everything they need. Fortunately on the way there no one checked trunks with things, so queues and crowding especially not observed (on the way back it becomes a hurdle race, each shuttle in the hands of 3-4 bags and his task is to overtake all and the fist on the customs control).
On the way there all starts at the Chinese customs. The problem is that on the one hand ohrenevshee Russian lowbrow, Pruszcz without a queue, on the other hand the Chinese border, which zadolbalo attitude. In addition, our Russian is also taught Chinese to bribes, and if traveling as part of a tourist group, it will hold at customs out of turn. In this case, the funny thing is different. Russian themselves create crush and turn out of nothing, and Chinese pograntsov work quickly and professionally. Here we must pay port tax 45 yuan (1 yuan = 5 rubles) and customs duty 50 yuan. Money can be exchanged here, but you can not change - the Chinese are taking good and rubles. Next, go out and take a taxi. Any trip to the city from the port to the city, or vice versa, is 5.10 yuan.
And now we come to the city center:
2. taxi driver must be said that brought you to the city center, a good benchmark - TC "Huafu. Then go to search for hotels. Many of them are here, the prices are very democratic. The average double room will cost the normal level of 120-150 yuan. The only unpleasant the fact is that the Chinese learned from bitter experiences with Russian cattle will ask you to deposit your passport. Themselves to such a driven ...
3. Well and then go for a walk. The first impressive local color - a hell of a ruin adjacent to the luxury and wealth.
4. City live trade thus I could not find any things that I would be interested. All the normal technique is not cheaper than in Russia. A Chinese clothing still an amateur.
5. sole purpose of coming here - to rest. Again, even with the cost of the ticket on the ferry and customs duties, Accommodation Two nights in Heihe will be cheaper than in Blagoveshchensk.
6. And about the food not worth mentioning. Complete meal will come less than $ 100 per person. Yes, eat recommend to the small establishments that are primarily focused on local (you should look to go to dinner the local middle class). Prices in these schools are excellent, without cheating for the Russian.
7. special feature of the city - signs in Russian. And it seems only the joy of what they write signs with errors.
8. central area of the city. Edakii travel Arbat. Strange but true - the Chinese still well able to distinguish cattle-tourists from normal people. We were almost pestered with offers to buy any garbage.
9. Thus the Chinese in Russian is very bad and they say as shitty understand Russian speech. On the English can immediately forget - all our gestures. Although individual zkzemplyary umeeyut say "Dlugi, zdlavstvuy", "Podesevle" and "Do not pelezivay!»
10. According to local tradition the red ribbon adds the advantages of karma.
11. most interesting - to dump a shopping route in the gateway.
12. And look at the real life of Chinese people. This is a nice area. The area of the Heihe 10 square meters. km. He is one of the most important border and coastal cities of China.
13. Transformer stations are located directly on the columns.
14. bins of different models. There are always near the poles.
15. way, the majority of tourists come here for one day "lights" to be carrying foreign goods. They not only did not pay for travel, but also earn 200-300 rubles.
16. Sell here everything that can do the Chinese industry. And medicine is a great way, too.
17. particularly advanced compatriots driven all that is needed at home.
18. is estimated in everyday life here is about 500 Russians. At the weekend - More than 1 thousand. Buy everything: shoes, clothes, household appliances.
19. shop signs are excellent.
21. And the Chinese announcement also good.
22. But there, on the other side - Russia. There are also trying to build skyscrapers and to better illuminate the city to keep up with the Chinese.
23. Road transport in China is diverse to the impossibility. Here go all that with the motor and without. Chinese cars are also excellent. And yet here There are many models of Japanese and European manufacturers, which are absent in other countries. For example, where else could you see the BMW 5-series version of L? Rules of the road Nobody syublyudaet, but never a single accident we have not seen.
24. Oh, and here is full of electric scooters and motorcycles.
25. And this city's outskirts. Soon these shacks demolished.
26. and construct a new residential area.
27. And while it adjoins here with this garbage.
28. Very close shine and poverty.
29. boys left the girls on the right. Excellent toilet in the quarter-rise buildings.
30. The city is constantly under construction. Old buildings demolished, and in their place there are new high-rise residential and office buildings.
31. All sell something, change the offer.
32. And the Chinese are very hardworking, always working without holidays and weekends.
33. Another wonderful sign.
34. It's a market for local tourists here usually do not reach.
35. way, almost all roads in the city are made of concrete. China's technology, however.
36. Home in Russia can be taken away even the plastic window. We even saw those shots at the customs on the way back.
37. Many shops - from small trays to large shopping centers where you can buy anything you want.
38. But a mysterious sign without a Russian translation. That could mean retirees happily chewing bananas? Dentistry?
40. small remark. Chinese samovar - it's not something that draws in the head with our imagination. It's a big vat of soup standing in the middle table, where everyone is preparing himself for something to eat.
41. Fun for everyone - cafes, restaurants, discos, 3D-cinema, sauna, pool, beauty salon.
42. Our prices are much lower than in Russia, but the normal products and technology are the same.
43. My favorite sign.
44. Pedestrian bridge to the island of Great Heihe.
45. little more civilized part of town.
46. New housing estates, industrial plants, hotels, banks, offices - all in European style, but with a national flavor.
47. Putin to name a restaurant is a great way to attract Russian natives.
48. Street fastfood. By the way, almost forgot - in China is excellent and cheap beer. Total 15-25 rubles for a bottle of 0.6 liter.
49. afternoon nap.
50. China, so China.
51. main city shopping center - "Huafu. The main place of purchase for various Chinese junk. Almost all prices are written in rubles. What is cheap (Eg, running shoes for 150 rubles) - frank stuff. A normal quality running shoes will cost 2,000 rubles. The question is, why is it necessary?
52. But so Heihe looks from hotel window. Electricity in the city do not save.
Here is the Chinese city of Heihe. If you go to Vladivostok by car, be sure to drop in Blagoveshchensk and Heihe in the swim. Two days will be enough to feel the local flavor and a clean conscience go back to Russia.
China worth a look in order to return home to Russia with joy. I recommend!
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