gold deposit "Vasilyevskoye" is one of the largest reserves of deposits in Kazakhstan and other CIS countries (over 300 tons). The field was discovered in 1963. AO Vasilkovsky GOK provides mining and processing gold ores Vasilkovskaja deposits, mining operations which were launched in 1979. Final product enterprise - gold cathode (Doré).
From 1991 to 2010 in Vassilkovskaya GOK applied technology of heap leaching, with involvement in the process mixed and sulphide gold ores with low metal content (1,2-1,8 grams per tonne). Heap leaching (stacked) - the process of extracting of gold solvent component from the stored on a watertight platform ore in a heap. Leaching useful component of the ore body should be understood as a process of selective dissolution of a chemical reagent and subsequent removal of the chemical compounds formed from the reaction zone capacity moving the solvent flow. Leaching of metal inside the prisoner pieces of ore, is due to molecular diffusion.
During the period from 2005 to In 2008 a number of major international mining companies have carried out exploration work on Vassilkovskaya field and have developed new variants of castings deposit, subject to the preemptive sulfide ore composition. As a result, adopted a draft on which sulfide ores are processed on gold- factory using a combination of progressive technology, which includes gravity, flotation, thin and ultrathin grinding, chemical oxidation of sulfide concentrate cyanidation. As the sorbent is coal. The plant on the new technology was given in the summer of 2010.
2. deposit is located in the area Zerendinsky Akmola Oblast, Kazakhstan. The deposit is linearly elongated stockwork area of 700 x 850 m with a depth of mineralization traced up to 350 m. The deposit of gold-sulfide-quartz-sulphide and moderately.
3. Today depth Vasilkovskaja career reaches 90 meters, width - about 2 kilometers. Sulfide ore deposits are Vasilkovskaja vysokoupornymi due to impregnation of the fine gold in sulfides. Imagine, in one tonne of ore is about two grams of gold!
4. Under abundance and power of the ore bodies working out a career made an open way. The quarry consists of a working area, which produces material elaborated area, dumping waste, transport and energy devices, finished goods warehouse, and explosives.
5. Development overburden rocks and ores produced by separate benches. Overburden removed to external dumps, located southeast of the quarry and ore at the crushing and screening complex.
6. dore (ligature gold) obtained at the factory consists of 90% gold, 9% silver and only 1% of other impurities. Rafting is available in the form of ingots weighing 25 kilograms.
7. process of loading the rock mass by front loaders.
8. The company refused to heap leaching for processing gold-bearing ore, and introducing the combined technology with traditional operations to extract gold from ore: gravity, flotation and cyanidation.
9. currently on a career working 67 units of mining equipment from the USA, Japan and Sweden worth more than $ 50 million.
10. On Vassilkovskaya field for 30 years of development and before it closed for upgrading in 2006, was produced 14.3 million tons of ore and produced 11.5 tons of gold. A production capacity of the new factory can process 8 million tons of ore and produce 13-14,5 tons of gold annually. Total for the entire period operation is planned to produce about 215 tons of gold.
Reports from a career: from
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