Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kate´s Playground 2009

Again Kola Peninsula

little more scenery with a trip to the Kola Peninsula in August last year. Yes, you can still download this image in big size (2560 pixels on long side). As it happens, that the photographs from this trip I began to appear frequently, and not to be repeated will complete the series in the same format. Generally interested in receiving, past three years, I regularly get redirected to the Kola peninsula. As I wrote before - here always want to come back again and again. This year is unlikely to be exception.




5. № 221 Coastal battery captain Ponochevnogo. Canned, but gradually stolen, gun in 1946.



full compilation of reports from the Kola is best to look for the tag Murmansk region . There are photos and and road movies. In short, a complete set of information for independent travel to the north. Summer soon:)


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