plant for the production of GRP pipes "Amiteh Astana part of the concern «AMIANTIT», founded in 1968 in Saudi Arabia - an international corporation, is a leader in the design, manufacture various piping systems. Leading sector of concern is the production of GRP pipes brand «Flowtite» - a universally recognized leader sales, offers performance, technology and prices for these products in the world.
2. fiberglass-reinforced pipes (Glass reinforced plastic - GRP) based on polyester resins «Flowtite» made by continuous winding on a metal mandrel fiberglass yarns, impregnated with polyester resin with the addition of chopped fiberglass and quartz sand.
3. main raw material used for the production of pipes Flowtite: resin, fiberglass and sand. Normally, the production of pipes used polyester resin, as it is better suited for drinking water.
4. Continuous wound fiberglass performed along the circle, because for pressure pipe main burden falls precisely in this direction. To achieve high strength reinforcement ring used as a continuous stekloroving and chopped fiberglass. Sand, located in the core, is used to increase strength and stiffness pipe.
5. Seamless pipe is manufactured by continuously moving in the axial direction shaping mandrel equipped with a special devices. Installation for the production of GRP pipes CW 3000 allows to produce pipes with diameter from 300 mm to 3000 mm c operating pressure to 32 atmospheres.
6. the toilet consistently applied: separation polyester film and a cover glass fiber. Then, on different parts of the mandrel shall be marked: liner - polyester resin, fiberglass roving taut; body - Polyester resin, quartz sand, chips, glass fibers;
7. wall pipe designed so that the axial strength of its outer layers as high as domestic.
8. continuous glass fiber rovings and chopped glass fibers are introduced to create circular and axial strength of the pipe. Sand is used to increase the stiffness of the structural layer of the wall pipe. Polyester resin is a plasticizer and gives the elasticity of the pipe.
9. then heat-treated pipe passes under the influence of infrared radiation for the completion of the polymerization process.
10. rings for different pipe diameters.
11. pipes are cut into segments of specified length: from 3 to 18 meters, while the ends are processed by a socket joint. After cutting pipe is kept in the shop for 8 hours to completion polymerization process. Pipes for drinking water and food are additional heat treatment.
12. GRP pipes do not corrode under the conditions that are corrosive for conventional materials are not subject to galvanic corrosion, have low linear thermal expansion, and their light weight saves during transportation and installation.
13. Pipe Plant was commissioned in 2005. The main application of GRP pipes are as external and main water distribution networks, as well as line pressure and pressure sewers.
14. pipes made of glass are classified according to the stiffness and the rated pressure. Stiffness of the pipe is determined by its ability to resist loads from the surrounding soil and traffic, as well as the negative internal pressure. The pressure tubes are classified by the nominal pressure (PN), which implies the value of safe water pressure in MPa at +20 ° C during the rated lifetime (usually 50 years).
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