present to you the next review of my friends fotoblogerov recommended reading. I chose those with interesting picture stories, but few readers. After all, the top bloggers do not need to advertise them and so everybody knows. So there you go:
Denis French (
grabbed my torch route and travel weekend. Tells about trips to interesting and unusual places Suburbs and nearby areas. Recently obtained good footage.
Natasha Garnelis (
Natasha and her husband Albert addicted astronomy. Not so long ago bought a camper trailer and travel to observe the sky. And Natasha takes taymlapsy beautiful starry sky.
Elena Petrova (
Another happy family travelers. In 2008, drove the route Vladivostok - Moscow. Recently become more travel abroad - Montenegro, Thailand, Dubai. Lena makes a very pretty pictures.
Artem Achkasov (
On New Year celebrations went on a trip to Europe by car. Publishes interesting pictures not only of travel.
Leonid Kazarin (
Photographer and traveler from the distant to us city of Chita. Lays out the reports are not very often, but you can examine with interest the catalog of his early recordings.
Artem Gusev (
Lives in Astrakhan and enjoys extreme sports in its various manifestations. Recently, got carried away shooting movies and he is perfectly obtained.
Igor Vanin (
founder of the website "Walk on the metro, mostly underground shoots interiors of St. Petersburg. Besides, a little traveling. Recently wrote often.
Dmytro Durkin (
Zmitser extremely interesting photoblog with photos from travels around the world. I am sure that you hear about this blog is the first time. Highly recommended.
Andrew Senyushkin (
photographer and traveler, active riding in an expedition to Russia. Puts informative picture stories.
Hopefully, the magazine of someone you are necessarily interested. Happy viewing.
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