Thursday, June 17, 2010

Vedio Losing Verginty


Author: Katarina Stratford
Title: Captain Crash & The Beauty Queen from Mars
Genre: Romance / Angst / Fluff Sometimes

Rating: G Warnings
: -

Natalia slept the whole first part of the way, many kilometers separating France from Munich. She fell asleep without difficulty and his dreams were a set of blurred and fleeting sensations that clouded his eyes when he opened them. The car was parked in a lay-by, Vitty outside, leaning against the guard rail was talking on the phone. It was four o'clock in the morning, shook a bit ', put on her shoes and rubbed her eyes. He opened the door and beckoned that would be placed to guide her. With a gesture that signaled the Vitty would end soon. Natalia closed both doors of the car, did not take particularly to hear the conversation. When one of the passenger opened his eyes closed.

"Are you tired yet I can drive a little more '."

"No, really, quiet, sleep now." He said smiling. She turned on the radio at low volume and left together with the soft notes of an old jazz standard. Coltrane was perhaps? Never knew but often in the future would suffer that reason in his mind. He lowered a bit 'the window and lit a cigarette. In the dark of night, his thoughts turned once again to insistence that morning, the shower had made the smell even now he felt on his skin. At his side Vitty took a deep breath, she had fallen asleep. Natalia looked down and knew herself that she was a beautiful person. He knew that among them was born a real friendship. Of those who are stronger than time. Time. A word that did not like. Unlike others she could not judge his. Surely Vitty rose in the morning and thought "I'll be there in two years" or "I see myself with a family in three decades." Natalia non quantificava il tempo. Ma ciò non la rendeva apatica, faceva le cose spesso all'ultimo momento, e senza pensare a cosa sarebbe successo prima o dopo di esse. Non sapeva per quanto lei e Vitty sarebbero state amiche, ma sentiva che era qualcosa che anche se in modo strano desiderava.

Le luci dell'alba la strapparono ai suoi pensieri. Avevano ancora un bel po' di strada da percorrere, chiuse il finestrino ed accelerò.

Arrivarono nei pressi di Stasburgo ad ora di pranzo. In mattinata Vitty si era svegliata e si era messa a parlare. Vitty parlava tanto. Raccontò vecchi ricordi, e lei e Natalia si accorsero presto che avevano finora avuto vite molto simili. Avevano due personalità very distinct Vitty was very expansive, yet terribly fragile. Natalia did not open easily and was solid as a rock. Too perhaps. Then a speech that was supposed to come came.

'E' so that followed by the group? "Asked

" For three years or so. "Actually, Natalia had no desire to do that discussion.

"And always follow them so much? I mean in the car and so many steps? "

" The first time I went on tour I did a few dates traveled unlikely with complications, from there I decided to take the car, allow me to do things the way I want to see and even more cities. "

" I do not even know them three years ago. Just come from another world. say that since I started university almost a recluse living in the house. Engineering is really a difficult option. "

" I guess. "Even if you did not imagine at all, she was studying literature at his home, had a few deadlines, no obligations.

"Then fate and now I run here I am. "Natalia was distracted for a moment, looked at the road ahead and fell silent for a few seconds.


"What do you think of a coffee-break croissant?"

After spending an hour sipping watery coffee and croissants have re served twice they set Bikes for the last piece of road.

They found the entrance to the city traffic and when it finally arrived on the forecourt of the hotel were both exhausted. Vitty invited her to go to rest but Natalia excuse to have friends to meet. They parted and gave an appointment for the next day, day of the concert at lunch time, right there. for a shower.


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