Thursday, June 24, 2010

Katies Playground Vids


Author: Katarina Stratford
Title: Captain Crash & The Beauty Queen from Mars
Genre: Romance / Angst / Fluff Sometimes

Rating: PG
Alerts: -

Only when they were on the outskirts of the city Vitty opened his eyes. He stretched a moment, rubbed his nose, awakened by the smell of cigarette smoke that Natalia had just lit.
"Hey, maybe we have a little 'too much last night."
"Maybe. Especially me. I do not think I'll just make it short. "
" What will you do in these three days here in Cologne? "
" I shoot a bit 'for the city, there are a number of years back, then I'll go ; in Bonn, is a little way and I must revisit the museum of contemporary history. "
" For the sound you already have a ticket? "
" In reality no, you could win ovvimanere but I did not win anything at all. "Natalia laughed to herself. Camera.
"I think I'll stay out this time."
"Do not joke!" He said immediately Vitty. "I got it."
Natalia was not used to ask someone for help or even to receive them against their will, but there was nothing I could say or do because Vitty change your mind.
When both arrived at the hotel went up, they were very tired and the temptation to simply slide down the bed was great for both. Natalia but never could. The phone Vitty of sound and made a sign to tell her that she would go to the bathroom. She closed the door behind her, as to not hear the phone conversation. On the edge of the sink was in disdordine the contents of a kit of toiletries for men. An electric razor, the after-shave, a new toothbrush, toothpaste undefined, a face cream (or more?). Bubble bath that was in the trash instead of pine the previous day. Could it already finished? Natalia closed his eyes, stripped and washed herself in nearly apnea. On the edge of the tub there was a bottle. They turned and read the label. Jasmine. Strange for a man. Maybe they do not realize the time passing, but when she looked at the clock had passed more than three-quarters of an hour. He dressed in haste, he had an appointment with other Italian girls for a coffee and it was awfully late.
Vitty kissed on the cheek while she was busy rummaging in his luggage.
"See you tomorrow then, I'll wait for this hour?"
"No, tomorrow I go to Bonn, I'll see you tomorrow. Now I run. We talk on the phone a lot. "
went downstairs and came running into the car, slamming the door. Scoured the parking lot and drove off. Only after some minutes, thinking carefully the morning he realized that he had forgotten something in the room.

Vitty asleep when he entered, but immediately got up and went to meet him. Among his kisses and his effusions he could only mutter "She's my little traveler."
remained lying for almost two hours without speaking, to look at, occasionally letting go some caress, to some whisper. Then the kissing became pressing and urgent cries. He made her sit on him and let him go to his love, his desire. He closed his eyes to reach the pinnacle of pleasure and a split second all around the two of them vanished, only stayed with her in the darkness of nothingness.
When he decided to take a shower Vitty intent was to choose something to eat to get to your room. He went in and just smiled. On the cold tiles around the pool there were still drops of water left by Natalia. Without thinking began to pass over the hand in a gesture as natural as if the turban to his lips. He closed his eyes under the jet and tried to imagine this girl who had never seen but which he felt, insistent, the presence, smell, taste remotely. Could not understand why this strange obsession, because this was, but he was present to his mind and even more to his senses. When he finished, his eyes a few seconds he was guilty before the mirror naked and only then noticed the sink a white headband. He took her face and knew it was not Vitty. He looked in the mirror one last time, stuck it in her cosmetic bag and returned to the room, so bare with the long hair still wet.


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