Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kares Playground Galliees


Author: Katarina Stratford
Title: Morning Sun
Keyword: Can you take me higher?
Rating: G
Genre: Romance, Flashfic
Warnings: -

The sun was crisp and a light breeze stroked her face, he was just waving his light hair, were the seven in the morning, some chirping nightingale, a magpie came to rest on the wet grass just a few steps from the feet. Just breathing the air heated by the weak rays of the sun. He heard steps behind him safe and nimble than his brother. When he reached behind him began to push the small swing of wood on which he was sitting. She wrapped her hands around the rope that held up. The wind now seemed cold, stinging eyes. He laughed, and began to throw small scream.
His brother behind him laughed too. She watched him climb up into the sky almost obscuring the disk of that pale sun of early morning and then get back to him, almost touching the grass full of dew with bare feet. She looked at him and his laughter echoed in the head, filled him with joy, serenity. The small swinging shouted something, something that crossed from side to side.
"Higher, higher up, take me!"
'll take you up to where you want. In addition. I'll take you through the clouds of heaven, I'll take you among the angels of heaven, I'll take you where there is only the light, where the air echoes the songs of a thousand birds that do not yet know. I'll take you to visit the sun and the moon, I'll take on the milky way and from there you'll see the earth and all planets, stars and comets. I'll take you as far as I can arrive. I'll take you to infinity.


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