Before starting this review true, I wish to present the book itself.
Amaranth is the first novel published by Eva Mori, from the publisher Aletti Editore that you can buy at these locations.
My purchase was motivated by the fact that I know the author personally, that I had some time talked about his project that I hoped to see implemented as soon as possible. The story did not want to read anything, I just read some indication that Eve had given herself. E 'in a few words in mind that I ventured to read.
Love - Homosexuality - Middle Ages.
And even with these few words from the very first pages I find myself disoriented and confused.
Mina. Who is Mina?
This is the question that will accompany me for the entire story and even after. Who is the daughter of his birth is unknown, what is his secret well, her character is slowly outlined in the flow of the pages.
Who is Mina itself that is the question of identity that it brings.
Amaranth is a love story. In passionate love, brotherly love, love of a king for the people.
It 's also a story about the lack of love, paternal, formal, confidential. We
accompany Mina in her life, with its storms, and we ask her. "Who is it?"
And the answer seems straightforward but is not slowly comes to mind.
Mina is the one that wants to be. You are not
Mina, she is not Willhem she is the person who chooses to become through his choices, his compassion, his love.
reflected in someone not given to everyone, but Rick is a mirror in Mina, a tarnished mirror, ruined that refers to itself, but a clear picture is that slowly helps her deal with what certainly is not. She
doubts, questions, do not always understand, is wounded by reality, by herself, but other defines the contours of his being and this is thanks to Rick. Rick
that leaves room for such a search of identity, than ever the strength in the knowledge that even in his mistakes and gives her the opportunity to know, to experiment.
The others are our reflection and through them we understand, we know who we are. Our actions are directed to them and understand them and respond to them in that we can truly understand what we did.
would be too easy to say that Amaranth is the story of a love thwarted by the dark times of the Middle Ages and ignorance, but this was not for me.
E 'Mina becomes the story of how someone in his own eyes, acquires an identity and a personality, thanks to the boundless love that Rick did for her and the reflection is not distorted by the events and preconceptions that he sends back.
Needless to say it was a great read. Needless to say, everyone around me has read the book they have enjoyed. It 's a story still to be read and reread to grasp all the nuances and leave again carrying the narrow world in which Mina was born and which is slowly spreading along with his being.
Please note the wonderfull work Tarja did on the book cover. You Know Where You Can Find Her work I go to Deviantart and show her your love!
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