Дочь the groom and the governess, the wife of William Morris, beloved Gabriel Rossetti, the embodiment of ideal beauty and the first Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood after naturschitsa death of his wife Elizabeth Siddal Rossetti. Rossetti wrote to his wife of Morris as fervently and selflessly and so passionately adored her, and nervously, as usual excellent Siddal and gentle. Participation in a love triangle was painful for Morris and, as they write memoirs made him a singular passion to surrender to the public, artistic and poetic
" It's beautiful in every way. Imagine a tall, thin woman in a long dress fabric colors muted purple, from kind of matter to the last lace, with a shock of curly black hair flowing large waves temples, small and pale face, large dark eyes, deep and very suinbernovskie with thick black and arched eyebrows, a mouth like a "Oriana" в нашем иллюстрированном Теннисоне, высокая открытая шея в жемчугах, и в итоге -. само совершенство "
; ; ; Писал about it, Henry James
; ; ; Писал about it, Henry James
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