behold enclosure, pizdec pechu bruises on your hands hurt from Tasha nu px but passed .. When
Vary ish Lithuania were all simple, board a autika bags ineshe Parents ;)))) nu nu copper and night pamiegojau shiektiek sucks shite do border personnel as soon as the wake uzhmigdavau. Well, pasture ash to the ferry estijoj vaizdialis maybe nothing apsidairyt around nusprendzhiau vaikshtau zhiuriu uzhejau ble market and then market the last krch kitajozai sell shautuvus sexshop enjoyable krch scary, but the Finns and Estonians, there is a ble, all drinking beer and buying dezhemis tysasi and the ferry pizdec seems Machias Ahold is there better at uzhejes bishki pamachiau appearance. Well, the RRC moves with the ferry then drank all the damn uliavojo with kazkokiom estem susimirksejau;) but then ishsigando me something: D PZ ferry that all gold zhiba viskoie restornai luxurious clubs etc.. but the Finns are spoiling everything because ble rekauja nzn some praise and some who do not understand what was going become. This is going
ash in Helsinki! Nesha ish kudashiu the ferry terminal where shvartuojasi and away the grazhiau all time low but it was nowhere nevaikshiojau ishkart buy a ticket on the train and ishdundejau, yet I did not react late vs. ishvis and it was there prikolas with the train but this helped me bobulĂ because I was not that I boarded the train: DD because there kazkaip delayed the train, changed routes and blah blah .. Num
enclosure I have the Kuopio Chia tashkas which had made a trip lasted 26 hours:) nice and I was able to Ash Ash nzn .. but the wind was favorable to the god and the achi-ish mochiute ishdygus nowhere and tell you that pizda bek late because the train Chia neshitas. fu .. This is going
Kuopio met me two young men are all good had such a mashine nuvezhe home to eat everything, even bought Aprodu was already lying shaldytuve very nice-ish side of them, the environment grazhi the neat things around just pushynai ezheriokai and enjoyable but they uzhshale and skiers will turn victims Chia shiandien apvaikshiot I managed it all .. So, when nuvezhe me it was still too krch adventure told that the door is uzhsitrenkia uzhtrenkiau Ash Nu is your key, and there was ble ish pradzhiu nezhynojau pizdec What if I think the kitchen will need to sleep but then I went to the entrance I met bahureli kazkoks it is supported by Armenian or whatever it is there sushnekejau behold him then with his next nuvarem Draugelis topsoil appears they ruskie u dream: D Behold me now they tried to ishtraukti ish a situation called for another Lithuanian Darius ish;) it also asks me to escape the enclosure. Well, there and then somebody rang yet another pair of enclosure chiuvu: D and opens the door to look me that all this flag will cost EUR 20 PZ PZ Well, maybe not important that the door has now opened the door nebeuzhdaryneju:)). This is going to Finnish skier is all dressed with hats with the bulge is so funny but still a lot of bishki zhmoniu nemachiau since Sunday, all disappeared. This is not easy either.
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